with more than 780 units conversion

Ultimate conversion tool

One stop conversion platform for scientific units and upto-date currency conversion.



Gives you more than 780 units to convert under 50+ dimensions/ categories. The conversion ranges from simple units such as Length, Mass, Volume to complex units such as Capacitance, Inductance, Illuminance etc., Also includes currency converter and calculator to ease your operation.

Features of ConvertX

In addition to the conversion part of the app, ConvertX has color themes that you can change to your liking.


Offline Access

Access all the conversion offline, need online access only for updated currency value.

Diverse categories

The conversion categories ranges from simple Length, Mass to complex Induction, Moment of Inertia.


Save the most used categories as your favourite for easy navigation


With 780+ units to convert, we have added a extremely robust search feature

Currency Converter

Convert any foreign currency at your finger tip. Ranges from USD, Euro, Canadian Dollar to Indian Rupees and Japanese Yen among many others.


In-built calculator for convenience of the user.

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An App by Mallow Technologies